Women Learning to Build for Our Community and Ourselves
I interviewed a woman many years ago who had been given some very sage advice. She was passing this knowledge on to me, but at the time it wasn't relevant in my life, and for years I've wondered when I would use it. This Saturday I will get my chance.
The woman I was interviewing had just finished building by her own hand, her first tiny house .She was in a unique position as her husband was a prominent commercial builder in Dallas, Texas with unlimited resources. She could have easily asked for it to be built without any further thought to it, but her husband had given her a nugget the year before. He told her, "If you know how to build anything, you will never go hungry."
I never forgot this story as she passed the wisdom on to me. It was this wisdom that had given her the courage to venture out on her own and learn. The end result was a beautiful tiny house she was understandably very proud of building. She had made mistakes, but she had learned and she had built.
If you know how to build anything you will never go hungry.
Incredibly, years later my time has come. I have found an opportunity to learn to build right here in my community while also having an incredible opportunity to give back to my community as well.
Golden Crescent Habitat for Humanity will be hosting a free Handy Woman Orientation this Saturday, February 28th from 7:30 am to Noon at the Habitat Construction Warehouse located at 4103 N. Navarro. You will learn the basics of building while completing a small project.
The orientation will give women a chance to learn to build without any previous knowledge in construction. The hopes in the future is for GC Habitat to host an all woman build for a deserving family in our community with the volunteers attending this Saturday.
Women in our community helping others in the community. Hope to see you there.
Please RSVP in advance to 361.649.1825 or email Lisa Kainer at lisa@goldencrescenthabitat.com

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