Looking for something to do with your Crossroads kids this weekend? Look no further, from Nutcracker to cutting your own tree, we've got our top five to do!
Want to support local small businesses in the Crossroads? Well November 26th is your chance. It's Small Business Saturday, downtown Victoria. Free family fun!
Toys 'R' Us is making a huge comeback to Texas and children and adults in Texas and the U.S. are happier than a giraffe who found a turtleneck in its size.
Everyone loves a sweet news story and this one from Texas is no exception. One Texas NICU nurse has been asked to be her former patient's godmother. Here's why.
On an average day, Round Top TX boasts a population of about 90 people. In just a few days, Round Top will be invaded as thousands of people shop til they drop!
A Central TX mom is warning folks not to let their children watch the Hocus Pocus 2 movie claiming we have no idea what spells the movie could cast on you.