Crossroads residents might agree they have experienced a fair share of weather emergencies in the last few years.

This weekend might be the best time you've got to prepare for the pending winter blast expected to hit South Texas Tuesday.

The City of Victoria offers easy ways to stay in the loop with their updated civic alerts on their website at

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Recently they published an all point bulletin on what to do if you are faced with a weather emergency including tips that keep our family safe from harm while sheltering indoors. "Don’t bring equipment inside that should be kept outside, such as generators and grills. Both of these can produce carbon monoxide." 

You can read the full civic alert here.

Do you remember hearing about the tragic loss of life in Texas as some families brought grills indoors during Ice Storm Uri? 

The power outages in 2021 were just devastating.

The Victoria Independent School District emailed parents advising that they would make a decision Monday to alert parents if school is closing Tuesday. 

"Victoria ISD is closely monitoring the anticipated winter weather forecast for early next week. We will provide an update on school closures or delays on Monday, January 20, at 5 p.m. At a minimum, we encourage everyone to prepare for a 2-hour delayed start on Tuesday, January 21st."  You can read the full message here.

Did you know Texas has the most weather related outages in the United States? You can read more about that below.


Here is a full set of safety tips for heating your home in Texas.

The City of Victoria advises, " Residents should ensure that their smartphones have Wireless Emergency Alerts enabled so that they can receive updates from FEMA, the National Weather Service and other key agencies. Residents should go to their phones’ notification settings to ensure that these alerts are turned on."

If you would like to receive Victoria Office of Emergency Management Alerts, just test ALERTVICTORIA to enroll. 

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Gallery Credit: TSM/AlpineX YouTube

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