Where Should Texans Set Their Thermostat for Ideal Energy Savings?
Here comes the summer, and here comes the heat! So what is the ideal temperature setting on the thermostat to keep the family cool and not run up a huge bill?
This may come as a surprise (it did to me), but I saw this story on Family Handy Man's website that said you should keep the thermostat at 78 degrees in the summer, and 68 degrees in the winter.
My first reaction was WHAT!?! At 78 degrees in the house, I might as well just open the window and hope for a cool breeze. 68 in the winter might work for me, as I tend to dress heavy anyway, but that 78 in the summer can't be right, can it?
Apparently, it can. Direct Energy says at 78 degrees, it may take you and your family time to acclimate to it, but that is the indoor temp that hits the "sweet spot" when it comes to staying cool and keeping your energy bill down.

They also suggest raising that to 80 to 82 at night while you sleep, and 88 when nobody's at home.
I am a penny pincher, that's for sure, but those temps seem a little high to me, especially at night. I prefer it a bit cool in my room, and there's nothing cool about 80 degrees. I'd be miserable for sure.
If you have pets, birds, and small mammals, they should be okay with higher indoor temps as long as they're not above 85 degrees. Dogs are good up to 82 F.
Unless they're spoiled dogs and are used to chilling with you, anyway.
To each his own when it comes to preference on the air conditioning but I prefer a cooler house, even if I have to pay a little more for it.