Top Movies For Spring Hibernation
As American's are settling in with can be optimistically called a "spring hibernation", folks are finding ways to enjoy family time together. If movies are on your list of things to do together, like our family, we've got a great list for you!
Our family each has their favorite movie of all time, and we've seen more than a handful on many top ten lists, but our viewing history starts to thin considerably when it comes to the top 100 lists like this one from Hollywood Reporter. What makes this list unique is how Hollywood Reporter derived their list... their list was solicited by the people who make movies! Studio Chiefs, TV Royalty and Oscar winners all are part of the group polled. This might very well be the most definitive list of top 100 movies of all time. We will let you decide.
Before we get to numero uno, which movie do you think deserves the prestigious top spot? Which movie do you think was ranked at number 1 by Hollywood Reporter'?
We will give you a hint. It's not Citizen Kane. Okay that was more than a hint, but if it's not number 1, where do you think it falls on the list. And again, what then is number 1. It makes you think right?
For fun, here is the list of the ten top movies who didn't make it to the top ten. Instead, they get to be 20 through 11. Enjoy.
20. It's A Wonderful Life (1946)
19. Goodfellas (1990)
18. Annie Hall (1977)
17. Apocalypse Now (1979)
16. To Kill A Mockingbird (1962)
15. Gone With The Wind (1939)
14. Forrest Gump (1994)
13. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
12. Back To The Future (1985)
11. Star Wars (1977)
Now that you've seen a portion of the list as it inches its way closer to the top spot, does this change your thinking at all? We are a house divided when it came to number one, but no matter. We're going to order the movies we don't have in the top 20, grabbing a few we haven't seen in the 100 at all and review this list again when we've watched them collectively in the next few weeks. Hey, don't judge. It's Spring Hibernation. Right here from the comfort of our couch.
While you're at it, here is how to make theater popcorn from the King of Random.
Happy Hibernation!