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With school just a week away, Stroman Middle School has had to close.

After mold was found in an air quality report, VISD had to quickly make a change for the safety of the staff and students just a week before school begins.

What will the staff and students do in the interim?

An announcement was made that Stroman Middle School would move its classroom, staff, and students to Liberty Academy temporarily to ensure their safety as the VISD school board meets to discuss options.

Stroman Middle School starts the school year at Liberty Academy

Stroman students will start school next week as planned on August 18th but will be attending school at Liberty Academy located at 1110 Sam Houston Dr. and the students who normally attend Liberty Academy have been temporarily relocated to Dr. Robert Jaklich Conference Center at 2909 Miori Lane. 

What repairs were needed to Stroman?

Just months ago only 14.9 percent of Victoria County voters (out of a possible 49,000 plus voters registered) declined the latest VISD Bond proposal of 156.8 million, according to Crossroads Today, which included much-needed repairs to VISD campuses which Stroman Middle School.

You can watch VISD's previous Campus-Based Facility Needs Presentation on Zoom by clicking here. This Zoom video detailed the needs of Stroman prior to the bond election.

We covered the bond election thoroughly over the last year which you can read about in the buttons below.

 Air quality and mold tests are expected to be conducted in the weeks ahead.

In the meantime, VISD Board of Directors will meet on Friday to discuss the next steps for the future of our VISD students.

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