Save the Date for the Lighted Christmas Parade in Victoria
Residents should mark their calendars now to take part in the Lighted Christmas Parade in downtown Victoria.
The parade will be held in downtown Victoria on Saturday, December 7th. The first Saturday in December. If you are not able to attend, you will be able to watch the parade live on Facebook at City of Victoria, Texas – Government or on TV15 (local cable channels 15 and 115 and online at www.victoriatx.gov/tv15).
If you would like to take part in this years parade! The City of Victoria Parks & Recreation is seeking local organizations to participate in the parade, as well as food and merchandise vendors.
To sign up for the parade or register as a vendor, visit www.victoriatx.gov/registration starting Oct. 1. The deadline to register is Oct. 31.
Registration is free, but space is limited, so residents are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible.
For more information about the parade, contact Parks & Recreation at 361-485-3200!
Residents can sponsor benches, other fixtures in downtown Victoria
The Victoria Main Street Program Board of Directors is seeking sponsors to help bring more public art downtown by purchasing dedications of benches and other fixtures.
The board is selling a limited number of sponsorships for the following:
- Lampposts
- Planters
- Heritage benches (to be located at the City Hall courtyard)
- Kaspar benches (to be located elsewhere downtown)
You can get more information by clicking here.
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