Saturday CharlieMac Drink Special
Got your weekend events all planned out, but needing a good drink or two to make it perfect? Well, maybe this drink recipe will help.
Pomegranate Mimosa: (original source)
1 cup sweetened pomegranate juice
1 bottle champagne (your choice, but choose something that mixes well with pomegranate juice)
A Few Pomegranate seeds, for garnish
How To:
In a champagne flute (the really tall skinny glasses...or whatever glass you want to use), fill with 1/4 cup sweetened pomegranate juice and top off with champagne. Then garnish with pomegranate seeds (just don't try to drink the seeds, that may not end well)
Not in a mimosa mood? How about something a little stronger? Perhaps you are looking for a drink to "shine" things up? In that case, I think this recipe may be what you are searching for...
Water Melon Mint Shine: (original source)
2 oz. moonshine
1 oz. agave nectar (simple syrup if you can’t find it)
3 chunks of watermelon
3 lime wedges
5 mint leaves
How To:
Muddle the mint leaves, lime wedges and agave nectar in a mixing glass. If you don't have a muddling tool, you can use the end of a wooden spoon. If you don't know how to muddle, find out here. Add ice, watermelon and moonshine and shake vigorously. Strain into a drinking glass (original recipe calls for a Collins, but I prefer whatever is closest to me). Finally you are going to garnish with a mint sprig and watermelon slice.
Hopefully you create and enjoy these recipes, and try coming up with your own and create a whole new recipe that no one else has even heard of. KIXS 108 does not condone underage drinking and encourages you to drink responsibly. Have a safe and fun weekend!