Randall King will Headline the Miller Lite Blastoff
Come celebrate American Independence, with FREE LIVE MUSIC, GREAT FOOD, and a +$30K FIREWORKS SHOW this Fourth of July on the Victoria Community Center grounds!. Hartman Distributing and The City of Victoria present the 2019 Miller LIte Blastoff. The John Christopher Way Band will kick things off for us at 6 pm, followed by the Texas Country sounds of Randall King from 8 - 9:30 pm. The City of Victoria Fireworks Show begins at 9:30 PM, set to music at the event. Beverage sales benefit Warrior's Weekend, so NO ICE CHESTS, please!
Bring some lawn chairs, your friends and family and come join us as we celebrate FREEDOM and those who've made it possible for all of us. Don't miss it!