Only In Texas: Alligators Guard First National Bank of Alvin
When I saw the video of these two alligators greeting customers at the First National Bank of Alvin, my first thought was "Only in Texas".
How cool is this? Lizzy and Lucy the alligators have lived at the bank since 1969. You read that correctly. According to, the two alligators arrived as hatchlings donated by a local farmer for use in the bank's goldfish pond. They have lived there (or nearby) ever since! Some 50 years later, both alligators are about seven feet long and eat several pounds of chow every day. The bank feeds its security guards pretty well, serving up boneless chicken on the daily.
Customers bring them treats, and visitors from all over the world stop by the bank to see them in person. If you ever make your way through Alvin, you can stop by the bank and see all kinds of gifts that have arrived to thank Lizzy and Lucy for their 50 years of service.