If you live in Calhoun County and your pets need a rabies vaccination, I have good news for you. Beginning Monday (April 4th) through Saturday (April 9th), you can get them at a reduced price through the 2016 Calhoun County Rabies Vaccination Drive.

Sponsored by the Calhoun County Animal Control Department, with the help of Calhoun County Veterinary Medical Association, the drive will offer several different times and locations to get the vaccinations. Not only that but, area veterinarians will also offer the same reduced prices in their offices that week. Here's the list of times and locations.

Monday: Magnolia Beach Fire Station 2:30-5:30pm; Six Mile County Barn 4:30-6:30pm

Tuesday: Port O'Connor Fire Station 3-5pm

Wednesday: County barn in Seadrift 2-5pm

Thursday: Point Comfort City Hall 4:30-6:30pm

Friday all day at local veterinary offices, Saturday at vet offices until noon.




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