If You See This On A Curb in Victoria , Do Not Block It
You may have recently noticed some new additions to curbs around town. Fresh new paint was sprayed across a few curbs in front of a few selected homes; the fresh paint boast numbers. If you happen to be looking for a parking spot, be conscious and try to leave the newly painted numbers within eyesight; because they are there for a good reason.

On May 8th, the Victoria Police Officer Association, which consists of Victoria Police Department employees, took it upon themselves to paint the home addresses on the curbs of residents who had requested the free service from the Association. In total, the Victoria Police Officer Association had received more than 70 requests, and on their first round, they were able to tackle at least half of those requests; the other half of homes will be painted on a future date.
This project was created to help first responders quickly identify their point of contact. By painting the address of the curb, it helps identify the address quickly since many homes do not have their address in clear view, or some do not have their home numbers on their home at all.
The work and projects the Victoria Police Officer Association is doing are beyond amazing. They continue to go above and beyond to make sure they are doing their part to make sure our community is cared for. The best part of this current curb-paint project is taking the time out of their own lives and doing it all for free.
If you are a resident who would like to request to have their home address painted on the curb, please contact the Victoria Police Officer Association at Victoriapoa.306@gmail.com or on their Facebook page.
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