FBI state that ex-Perryton football coach Cole Underwood wants to marry and run away with a15-year-old student. He was recently accused of having sex with her more than 10 times in the school office! He is charged with enticement and attempted enticement of a minor.

According to ABC 7, Underwood would sneak her into the school after hours to have sex. The girl, who has been named Jane Doe, to protect her identity says that  Underwood had sex with her 13-14 times in his office between February and May. They first met at a track meet when she was in junior high school.

He was originally arrested on April 25th for sexual assault of a child. One of his conditions for bond was to have no contact with "Jane Doe."  Soon after, Underwood, would meet up with her to give her a secret number to continue inappropriate conversations. Including alleged nude Snapchats to each other.  Read the full story by clicking here. 


Talk to the school directly or you can file a formal complaint with the TEA! The complaint must be in writing and signed and include the facts or documentation on which the allegation is based. Click here to get more information.

File complaints against a school district or charter school with TEA for:

  • Conditions at a school district or charter school that present a danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the students
  • Violations of state assessment instrument security procedures
  • Falsifications, fraudulent misrepresentations, or manipulations of information, including manipulations of records, reports, data, forms, statements of assurances, or certifications submitted to TEA through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS)
  • Educator misconduct

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POP QUIZ: Do You Know Texas’s Official State Symbols?

Stacker compiled a quiz on Texas state symbols.

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