Election Results for Victoria and Surrounding Counties
As America continues in wait for the 2020 Presidental Election results, we want to congratulate those that choose to serve our Crossroads community and to congratulate them on their wins after yesterday's 2020 elections.
Here are the local election results as reported by Crossroads Today.
Congratulations goes out to Republican Ashley Hernandez our new Victoria County Tax Assessor-Collector. She won with 22,374 votes.
Democratic Victoria County Constable Jeff Meyer should also be congratulated for his 57.4% voter win.
Victoria congratulates Victoria County Commissioner Precinct 1 Democrat Danny Garcia for his win with 2,583 votes in his favor.
U.S. Representative for District 27 winner Michael Cloud, Republican, won with over 62% of the vote with 165,758 total votes.
Victoria Independent School District-Trustee, Single Member District 3 winner Bret Baldwin won with 78.3% of the vote.
Victoria County Water Control and Improvement District 2 Director Jesse Garcia was elected with 38.4% of the vote.
Refugio County is welcoming incumbent Republican Raul, "Pinky" Gonzales as the new Refugio County Sheriff .
Republican Ron Payne won as Refugio County Commissioner for Precinct 1.
Wharton Country Commissioner, Precinct 1 winner Republican Richard Zahn celebrates his win with 74.6% of the total vote.
Matagorda County congratulates Precinct 4 County Constable David Miles who won with 1,750 total votes. Lavaca County Judge Mark Meyers won with 60.8% of the votes as well.
Senator John Cornyn, Republican, won again last night with 55.0% of the vote.
Texas State Senate District 18 announces incumbent winner, Lois Kolkhorst, Republican, with 218,263 and over 76% of the total vote.
Texas Railroad Commissioner, Republican James, Jim Wright wins with 53.2% of the vote.
Supreme Court, Texas Chief Justice, Republican, Nathan Hecht wins with 53.1% of the vote.
Judge Bert Richardson, Republican, won Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 3 with 54.8% of the vote.
Judge Kevin Yeary, Republican, won Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 4 with 55% of the vote.
Republican Judge Jane Bland was announced as the winner of the Texas Supreme Court, Place 6 with 55.5%of the vote.
Republican Judge Jeff Boyd was announced winner of the Texas Supreme Court, Place 7 with 53.6 %of the vote.
Republican Judge Brett Busby was announced the winner of Texas Supreme Court, Place 8 with 53.6% of the vote.
Republican Judge David Newell was announced the winner as Judge for the Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 9.
Congratulations to these men and women and thank you to all who choose to serve our communities.
No matter who you voted for, Victoria as well as the state of Texas set records with more early voting and poll voting as well. It's a big election with both Victorians and Texans wanting to be heard.
Now... who will be our next President?
LOOK: Here are 50 political terms you should know before the upcoming election