CharlieMac Sunday Specials
Next week, summer will be over. So, make the best of it as you can and mix yourself some "Farewell Summer" drinks. Heads up, all the recipes require ice and therefore you should have some (or a lot) on hand.
White Russian (original source #7)
2 oz Vodka
1 oz Coffee Liqueur
1 tbsp Cream
Garnish – Lime Wedge
How To:
Combine ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake well, then strain into a glass with ice. Finally, garnish with a lime wedge.
Lilac Shandy (original source)
6 oz Light Beer
6 oz Lilac Lemonade
Garnish – Lemon Slice
How To:
Fill your chosen glass halfway with the beer and then add the lilac lemonade and then stir the mixture. Finalize the concoction with garnishing with a lemon slice.
The Staci (original source)
4 oz Cherry Sparkling Water
1½ oz Bourbon
¼ oz Lemon Juice
4-5 Mint Leaves (Muddled)
Garnish – Mint sprig
How To:
In a shaker with ice, add the ingredients and shake well. Then strain into a glass with ice and garnish with the mint sprig.
Cinnamon Roll Shot (original source)
¾ oz Fireball
¾ oz Cream Soda
1 tbsp Whipped Cream
Garnish – Grated Nutmeg
How To:
In a shot glass (or whatever glass you want to use) add the cream soda, then the Fireball and top off with whipped cream (it calls for a dollop which can be roughly translated into 1 tablespoon, but use as much/little as you want) and sprinkle on the grated nutmeg.
All, if not most, of these drink ingredients can be found at your local liquor store. Keep in mind that the summer heat is unforgiving and you need to make sure to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and cool. Townsquare Media and KIXS 108 do not condone underage drinking and encourage you to drink responsibly. Have a safe and fun weekend!
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