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Witch, Please.

That's the name of our latest TikTok endeavor, headed your way on Halloween.

So what happens when you get artists together for some witchy fun?

TikTok videos are made of course! That's exactly what went down last week at the station and we thought you'd like to be part of the fun by watching us transform into the witches of "Witch, Please" thanks to help from local makeup artist, Devin Evans.

Devin has been interested in special effects makeup since she was just 12 years old! Her dream job would be to become a mortuary cosmetologist and special effects makeup artist for horror films.

Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist

Shhh. We know a little secret...she will be working on makeup for an upcoming film planned to be shot here in the Crossroads in late 2023. See? Dreams do come true!!! 

If Devin can do her son Jase's makeup on his 1st Halloween without too much drama, she can do anything! Here he is as Chucky!

Photo courtesy of Devin Evans
Photo courtesy of Devin Evans

Devin has been a waitress at Sky Restaurant for almost a decade now and considers Sky her family, so as she gears up for cosmetology school, it's getting harder to say goodbye.

Luckily we were able to beg her to come to the station before she went to work so she could be a part of the fun! And fun is what we had!

Here is our gallery of the making of a Crossroads Witch! Shout out to Tina Goodner for being a total witch the whole afternoon and to Pooks on Q92 who really is the wizard of this motley crew.

Look Mom, no hands!

Well, not with flesh on them anyway.
Well, not with flesh on them anyway.

Pooks is the reason we even have a TikTok account because no amount of witch spells can help me with technology!

Now about this witchy transformation.

Step One: Find a willing victim! Hmmm...

So that's how its going to be Tina! Very well then! I'd say we are off to a great start!
So that's how it's going to be Tina! Very well then! I'd say we are off to a great start!

Step 2: Apply green. Lots of green.

Lots and lots of the green stuff!
Lots and lots of the green stuff!

Step 3: Time for shadow. Eye shadow, cheeks and lashes!

This is just a fraction of the makeup Devin carries!
This is just a fraction of the makeup Devin carries!

Step Four: More, lots more green! Oh. And moles.

Quit laughing! Start cackling!
Quit laughing! Start cackling!
That glass is empty! Party foul!!!
That glass is empty! Party foul!!!

Think you can handle the final results???

She looks amazing!!!!
She looks amazing!!!!

She looks amazing, right?

Oh wait, there is more...

Please curb your enthusiasm!
Please curb your enthusiasm!

Honestly, I look better with the witch makeup! LOL


Three peas in a pod! And one make-up artist! Time to TikTok!

Someone we know took this picture and approved it for print.
Someone we know took this picture and approved it for print.

So, what are you going to be for Halloween?

Let us know on the station app! If you dare, drop your pic in the app too! We'd love to see your costumes! Plus, we could sure use some more funny faces in our TikTok videos!

Bonus Pic: When you need a voodoo doll but it's too late to order one. This is so not the devil's doll, but I tried!

Who do voodoo? You do!
Who do voodoo? You do!

Check out our TikTok channel, Witch, Please for gardening tips on how to bury the dead, punny Halloween jokes you can tell your kids and random acts of witchery. Headed your way before Halloween!

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