If you are familiar with United Way, you know they are caring for our community EVERY day of the WEEK, 365 days of the year. In fact, when you give to United Way, you are contributing to a multitude of non-profits who spend endless hours caring for our community. In other words, when you give to the United Way, you're giving to a multitude of organizations. That is how the United Way works! 365 days a year.

In just a few days, The United Way will launch an entire week of fundraising for these local nonprofits. The Victoria County United Way is hosting a Week Of Caring, Saturday, May 16th through Thursday, May 22nd.

One great way to show your support for the United Way is to dedicate a day to volunteer!


During the week of May 16th through May 22nd , the United Way will host small volunteer activities all across the Crossroads, allowing our community to make a big impact while still maintaining safe social distancing. Each event is limited to 6 volunteers, so registration is required.

Interested in being a United Way volunteer?


Volunteers can visit https://timecounts.org/united-way-victoria to create a profile. Once there, you can shop for events you might be interested in and register for the ones you want under the calendar icon.

If you have been wondering how to give back to your community during all of this pandemic now is your chance!

Thank you United Way for all that you do!

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