Victoria is Closing City Facilities and Canceling Trash Pick Up
Victoria City Officials have chosen to close all City of Victoria offices and well as canceling trash pick up and recycling for tomorrow, Monday, September 21st due to strong sustained winds related to Tropical Storm Beta.
The City of Victoria offered in a statement provided here that “The safety of our staff is of the utmost importance,” City Manager Jesús A. Garza said. “As always, we will continue to work with state and local officials and our Office of Emergency Management to monitor the weather, prepare for imminent and potential threats to our community, and make decisions accordingly.and staff is of the utmost importance,” City Manager Jesús A. Garza said.
The City’s temporary facility closure is effective starting at 7 a.m., Sept. 21 through 7 a.m., Sept. 22 lasting 24 hours. Police and Fire first responders will continue normal operations with safety protocols based on weather conditions.
The suspension of all garbage and recycling services includes residential trash collection, yard waste, recycling, and bulk pickup. Residents should not put any carts or bulk trash out for collection. The landfill and compost facilities also will be closed during this 24-hour period. For Monday routes, the rescheduled pickup is anticipated to be on Wednesday.
For more information, visit www.victoriatx.gov
Many Victoria and local schools are also closed tomorrow as well. Click below to see the most updated list of school closures.

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