Victoria Here Are Ways to Recycle Your Living Tree
Every Christmas season we have the same debate in our home; live tree or artificial tree?
It's a debate that goes on for many of us.
The Arbor Day Foundation has weighed in to say that in many ways, artificial trees are worse for the environment in the long run as artificial trees do not break down in a landfill the way a live tree will. They also argue that most of our live Christmas trees are raised on a tree farm with little to minimal damage to natural forest trees. They go on to really that on a tree farm, for every tree you buy, a new one is planted.
Because we live on a ranch we recycle our tree usually by burning it and using the ash in the garden. Some years we break it up and lay the branches in the garden for young spring seedlings. But did you know that you can also recycle your trees in town as well?
The Arbor Day Foundation has a great article that lists ways you can recycle your tree which includes setting your tree into a container with newspaper or rocks to prop it upright and add your own peanut butter bird feeders to watch the magic of nature from your back yard, or courtyard or second-story balcony.
Here is the schedule for the City of Victoria trash schedule which includes tree pick up, just know the trees will not be recycled.
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You can view the Arbor Day Foundation article here.
Happy Recycling and Happy Holidays!