
Well it's here and I'm excited.  I don't know about you but I love fireworks.  I remember as a kid always playing with them and I did have a few accidents but nothing really serious. 

My friends and I would always have fireworks wars.  It was such a good memory and a really fun time, but of course I do not recommend it.  We would get at a distance and try to shoot each other with bottle rockets, roman candles, throw M-80's and M-60's at each other and black cats as well.  A little dangerous yes but so much fun. 

Remember when holding bottle rockets to keep them away from your eyes.  I will never forget one day I was holding a bottle rocket and I would let it shoot off from my hand.  Well one time it backfired and the sparks or fire or something went in the corner of my eye and let me tell you that was a pain.  It wasn't fun. 

Then of course there are black cats that have the extremely short fuses.  lol.  It's pretty much happened to everyone.  Especially if you take them off to use individually.  Most of them are ok but you will get a few that have extremely short fuses.  Light it and RUN!  Or throw as fast as you can. 

Finally with roman candles remember it's kind of dry so watch out where you shoot them.  Either way I hope you have fun this weekend and on Monday but just be safe, and use good judgement.  Especially if there is alcohol involved which will be likely.  I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th.

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