Hometown: Convoy, Ohio
Birthday: January 26th
Marital Status: Single
Favorite Car: Chevy Camaro
Favorite Artist: Blake Shelton
Favorite TX Country Artists: Jarrod Birmingham, Richie Allbright, Brandon Rhyder, Ryan Beaver, Stoney Larue,
Favorite Song: Billie Joe Shaver "Live Forever"
Favorite Sports Team: NY Yankees
Favorite Actor: Arnold Swarzeneggar
Favorite Food: Pizza!!!!
Favorite Restaurant: Outback Steakhouse
Favorite TV Shows: Southland, Supernatural, True Blood, The Unit, Family Guy, South Park, Robot Chicken, One Man Army
People Would Be Shocked If They Knew: I'm a really good cook, my specialties are homemade stuff crust pizza, chinese food, enchiladas, pork chops, toast and cheese