Skeeter Heard Worldwide On Newsline
Once again this week, KIXS 108 Morning Show host Skeeter Nash will be anchoring the Amateur Radio Newsline® report, heard around the world, over the ham radio airwaves, and online at www.arnewsline.org. This is a valuable service to ham radio operators worldwide, with reports coming in from all around the globe. A dedicated group of volunteers produce these reports, and they use their background in broadcast radio and/or television to give these weekly updates a very
polished, professional sound. This weekly newscast-formatted digest of happenings in the world of ham radio has been in production for over 35 years, and has never missed a week in all that time! Bill Pasternak WA6ITF is the Executive Producer and co-founder of Amateur Radio Newsline, which is a non-profit organization. All involved--including Yours Truly--volunteer our time and talents.
The audio is available as a podcast, and it is actually "broadcast" over ham radio repeater systems and by individual amateur radio operators around the globe. Skeeter is the anchor on this week's Newsline, and you can check it out for yourself at www.arnewsline.org.
If you're interested in learning more about amateur radio, and how to become a licensed ham operator, go to the American Radio Relay League website by CLICKING HERE.
Check out this video Skeeter produced showing how he puts together the anchor audio for Newsline!
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