Project Elevation 2012
Recently, more than ever, it seems that people are looking to be a part of something bigger than themselves. I personally believe God is awakening the hearts of the young and old alike to put action to their hearts desire – to help others in need and be a light unto the world of the Love that is intended for all of us.
And what better time than now for this desire to arise than at the launch of Project Elevation in the Crossroads. Project Elevation was a vision of Pastor Eli Sauceda of Faith Family Church. It began as a community involvement based project to get people connected to serving the community with organizations like Sure B.E.T., Christ’s Kitchen, CASA, Keep Victoria Beautiful, Food Pantry, and Restoration House – a call to actively ‘love your neighbor’. However, that initial vision was only a part of the bigger picture God had in mind.
While talking with Pastor Eli he shared that in time Project Elevation would involve an Extreme Home Makeover for a family in need but it would be a future endeavor, maybe 3 years out. While getting everything in place for Project Elevation to launch Pastor Eli was invited out to Port Lavaca to check out some work being done on the home of Robert Escobar, a Faith Family Church member. That visit moved plans for the Extreme Home Makeover up to now. Robert Escobar was exactly who God had in mind for the 1st Project Elevation Extreme Home Makeover and the timing was perfect.
Four years ago Robert Escobar was a man serving his community as a firefighter and had done so for eighteen years. He was Captain of the Fire Department for a time. He also owned his own shredding business. He was a very ‘manual labor’ type of guy and very active and fit. He and his wife even bought a home in need of repairs; a fixer upper, which was fine because if anyone could do it – he could. But shortly after Robert began to experience the onset of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). His legs began to weaken and eventually his arms as well. He was forced to leave the Fire Department and then his business as well. He is now in a wheel chair. As is the case with ALS Robert has his senses and mind but cannot use his body and has lost most of his speech.
As Pastor Eli stood outside the home after seeing the condition on the inside he contacted a General Contractor to come check out the house. He explained, “The contractor asked me how much money we had. I told him ‘zero dollars’. Then he asked how many people do you have. I said ‘zero people… but give me till Sunday.” And that’s all it took to get an outpouring of support from various people and local businesses and as Pastor Eli said, “There’s nothing we can’t achieve when there is unity”. I could not write fast enough as he listed out all the businesses and people that have given to this project but anything from contractors time, supplies from retail outlets, landscaping, furniture, lighting, paint, almost everything you can think of to rebuild a home has been donated or paid for by donations.
The home will be presented to Robert and his wife, Dora on Good Friday, April 6th. So, there is a week left for volunteers of all kinds to get involved. Project Elevation could use hands on Saturday March 31st anytime 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. to do some caulking, field clearing, dirt work, landscaping, etc. Go to http://www.faithfamilyvictoria.com/ministries/outreach and print a waiver form for each person volunteering and just bring it on over to 2011 Justice St. in Port Lavaca. You can volunteer during the week as well. If you would like to make a donation you can also contact Pastor Elijah Sauceda at 573-2484 ext. 29. God Bless!
Your hands are ready and your heart is ready. You are where you are in life; be it physically, financially, or emotionally, for a reason.
Esther 4:14 says it best, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
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