Port A, Corpus, Padre Island Beaches Ban Vehicles and Golf Carts
Now that we have had a week's worth of triple-digit heat in south Texas, everybody is ready to hit the beach and cool off. We saw some beach closures over the 4th of July that has since expired so beaches at Padre Island, Port Aransas, and Corpus Christi are once again open. For the most part.
Nueces County has now issued a vehicle ban and golf cart ban for all beaches through August 1st according to KSAT.com. There are also going to introduce a beach curfew for the county as well.
Judge Barbara Canales issued the curfew and vehicle pans until August 1st at 6 A.M. Vehicle access points at beaches throughout the county will be closed until the order expires. This order could also be extended if COVID-19 continues to run rampant in South Texas.
While you can't take the Jeep out onto these beaches you can still access the pedestrian walkways at the beaches and parks. At least these beaches are still available for swimming considering area pools and splash pads are hit and miss. Some are open and some are closed.
Judge Canales's order will impose a beach curfew from 8:30 P.M. to 6 A.M. each day through at least August 1st unless the order expires. Visitors with disabilities or Veterans who are disabled will be the only ones still allowed to use a golf cart.
Judge Canales issued instructions to visitors and told the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, “For the next few weeks… the coast is just not clear to come home to right now. Please do everything you can to help us stabilize. We are not stable — we are in a free fall — and we need some help from Texas."
Our neighbors in Nueces County and Corpus Christi have seen 70 COVID-19 related deaths, over 7500 cases, and 923 recoveries so far.