Lighted Christmas Parade Will Return to Downtown Victoria This Year
It is nice to see things returning to normal in the Crossroads including the Lighted Christmas Parade returning to Downtown Victoria this year. If you remember back to last year, the City of Victoria worked hard to bring us a 'reverse parade' to give the Crossroads area a little Christmas spirit during a rough year of the pandemic. It looks like those days are behind us. Thank you to the City of Victoria for working so hard for us during the pandemic.
The parade will return to downtown 6-9 p.m. Dec. 4, giving residents a chance to gaze in-person at lighted floats, car and motorcycle clubs, marching bands, and more as they kick off the holiday season. The parade also will be live-streamed on Facebook at the City of Victoria, Texas – Government.

In a press release from the City of Victoria, the Parks and Rec Department Jason Alfaro says “While we were glad to be able to offer the parade in a modified format last year, we know many residents will be looking forward to the traditional experience of coming downtown to see the parade,” He added. “We hope residents will join us for this celebration, whether in person or through live stream.”
Parks & Recreation is seeking food and merchandise vendors and floats for the parade. To sign up for the parade or register as a vendor, visit www.victoriatx.gov/registration. Applications are due Nov. 19.
For more information about Parks & Recreation programs and events, visit www.victoriatx.gov/parks or call 361-485-3200.
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