Is the Victoria-Opoly Board Accurate?
A couple of years ago, a company called Late for the Sky started to produce localized versions for many cities in South Texas, including Victoria. I know they sold these at Wal Mart but I was never able to get my hands on one. Does anyone have this game? I thought this was pretty cool, however, I thought it was kind of vanilla. I mean, the company that made it just probably did a little research to make the board. You can see all the original property spots below.
I thought it would be more entertaining to do a Victoria board using our listeners. I mean right off the bat, I would probably incorporate Brother Gary somehow. How about 'Under the Hill?' That is where I grew up so I can write that LOL. What about TNT or Dicks Food Store? We can't forget about Memorial Stadium and Patti Welder Stadium. Instead of Go Directly to Jail, it should be No Left Turn on Navarro, go directly to jail. Let's put a true Victoria spin on this board and create the KIXS108 Victoria board. Let us know what your suggestions would be in the Facebook comments of this story.
- Mediterranian Avenue =Skate World
- Baltic Avenue = Outlaw Pass
- Oriental Avenue = Memorial Rose Garden
- Vermont Avenue = Hopkins Park
- Connecticut Avenue = Riverside Park
- St, Charles Place = Mumphord's Place BBQ
- States Avenue = The Pumphouse
- Viginia Avenue = Fossati's
- St. James Place = DeLeon Plaza
- Tennesse Avenue = Victoria Mall
- New York Avenue = The Texas Zoo
- Kentucky Avenue = The Texas Mile
- Indian Avenue = Riverside Stadium
- Illinois Avenue = Victoria College
- Atlantic Avenue = Theatre Victoria
- Ventnor Avenue = Victoria Fine Arts Center
- Marvin Gardens = Museum of the Coastal Bend
- Pacific Avenue = Nature Area
- North Carolina Avenue = Coleto Creek Park
- Pennsylvania Avenue = Guadalupe River
- Park Place = Victoria County Courthouse
- Boardwalk = Downtown Victoria