Here is the latest information for private schools in Victoria!
St. Joseph High School will extend Spring Break through the week of March 23-27th
John Gilley, president of St.Joseph High School issued this statement:
'STJ: COVID-19 Update -March 16, 2020Dear STJ Families:In response to the recent events dealing with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, St. Joseph High School has decided to extend Spring Break an extra week. There will be no school the week of March 23-27. We will continue to monitor the situation and either come back to school on Monday, March 30, or move to a distance-learning model at that time.This decision on school closure will also include the continuation of the current suspension of all extra-curricular activities. No school activities of any kind will take place through March 29.' will also extend Spring Break through the week of March 23-27th.
Our Lady of Victory will also extend Spring Break through the week of March 23-27th. OLV issued a letter to parents via their website and Facebook page, you can read here.
Trinity Episcopal will extend their Spring Break through the wok of March 23-27th. Trinity Episcopal sent an email to parents with more information. 

Nazareth Academy will extend their Spring Break for an additional week, March 23-27th.  A letter was emailed to the parents of the students with full information.

Faith Academy will also extend Spring Break through next week. March 23-27th. Here is an excerpt from the FA Facebook page "Instruction will resume on Monday, March 30th; however, it is possible that instruction may not be face to face on either campus. We may be transitioning to distance learning and/or learning packets for student instruction. During the week of March 23rd, we will work with our staff on a plan to take the necessary steps to ensure we continue to provide the best education possible"

Our Lady of the Gulf in Port Lavaca has not changed any schedules yet.  Here is the latest from their website.  "If CCISD returns next week, we will too on Tuesday, March 24th but with very strict screening and hygiene protocols and adjustments in the daily schedules to spread out the children more for lunch. We will also be preparing them for an e-learning environment -just in case"

Industrial Independent School District has extended their spring break until March 27th. See their website for the latest information concerning their plan for distance learning.

 Updates for returning to class for private schools will be released next week.


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