Blue Bell Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19
Blue Bell is still the best ice cream on the planet. Let's just put that out there upfront before we delve into the details of a Blue Bell employee in Behnam Texas testing positive for COVID-19, according to a report from KBTX-TV.
According to the report, the Blue Bell employee is under medical supervision, taking precautions and quarantining for the next 14 days, as is standard for anyone infected with COVID-19.
Blue Bell says in addition they are taking the necessary steps to continue aggressive sanitizing as well as asking employees close to the patient to self-quarantine for the next 2 weeks as well.
This is not the first positive case of COVID-19 for Washington County where Brenham is located as reports of COVID-19 have been coming in since March and like in Victoria, the highest cases were linked to a single medical facility.
The good news is that the FDA advises, "The FDA does not anticipate that food products will need to be recalled or be withdrawn from the market should a person that works on a farm or in a food facility test positive for COVID-19." They go on to further offer that, " Currently, there is no evidence to support the transmission of COVID-19 by food."
That's good news for Benham's Blue Bell Creamery, Blue Bell FANATICS like me, and good news for Ms. Belle as well.
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