Austin and the Texas Hill Country are heaven on Earth for some people. They love Austin's weirdness and the beauty of the lakes and rivers in the area.


It appears that a pastor and researcher in near-death experiences, commonly known as NDEs, has written a very interesting book on the subject. NDEs, as they are known, are a phenomenon that occurs when people are clinically dead.


John Burke, the Austin, Texas-based bestselling author of "Imagine Heaven" and now the follow-up book, "Imagine the God of Heaven," writes vividly about the topic.

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Burke said he spoke with 70 "different people for 'Imagine the God of Heaven' — from every continent, every religious background. And yes, they encountered this God of light and love.

According to Burke in an interview with Fox New Lifestyles, People often see visions of themselves; they see their bodies as paramedics try to revive them, or doctors as they operate, or even family members in waiting rooms.  

The vast majority of people who've had NDEs say they don't want to return to their lives on Earth — that this incredible love existing there is just everything they've been looking for in life.

Burke said he interviewed a Hindu man named Santosh, a manufacturing engineer who "coded." When his heart stopped, medical staff couldn't get his heart beating again. For three days, Santosh was on artificial life support. He later described being "taken by this God of light that was personal, that he knew was protecting him.

They're "intensely vivid and often life-transforming experiences, many of which occur under extreme physiological conditions such as trauma, ceasing of brain activity, deep general anesthesia or cardiac arrest in which no awareness or sensory experiences should be possible according to the prevailing views in neuroscience," according to the University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies.  

20 Items You Shouldn't Leave in Your Car During the Hot Texas Summer

Texas is one of those states that gets hot. Smoldering hot in the summer. It doesn't matter what part of Texas you are in, you will be feeling the heat. If it's hot outside, it will get 20 degrees hotter in your car.

Here are items you should never leave in your car during the hot Texas summer.

Gallery Credit: Lori Crofford


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