Alcohol-To-Go is One Step Closer to Becoming Permanent
Here is one thing from the COVID-19 pandemic that is here to stay and that is alcohol-to-go! Last March, Governor Greg Abbott signed a waiver to allow to-go-alcohol due to dining rooms being closed due to the pandemic. While not all agreed with to-go alcohol sales. To-go sales became a lifeline to businesses of all types during the pandemic as consumers sheltered at home and the government closed businesses for regular operations. The original to-go waiver was set to last until May of last year but was ultimately extended until further notice. We are one step closer to this becoming permanent.
Yesterday, The Texas House gave initial approval Wednesday to legislation that would allow restaurants to sell alcohol to go beyond the coronavirus pandemic. While this bill is closer to becoming a reality there are still many steps needed for it to pass. The House will need to give the bill another vote before it’s sent over to the Senate, where a version of the measure must still be approved by a committee before it can be considered by the full chamber.
I see that this new bill will only benefit the restaurant industry after a very rough pandemic year. I personally know of people who lost their jobs and owners of restaurants that closed down due to the pandemic. According to the Texas Restaurant Association, 700,000 restaurant employees in Texas lost their jobs in the early days of the pandemic, and thousands of Texas restaurants have closed.