Adopt a Beach Cleanup is Tomorrow
It's time for the Adopt A Beach cleanup happening tomorrow from 9-noon! Texas Adopt a Beach has been making beaches better since 1968. The Texas General Land Office Adopt-A-Beach program began in the fall of 1986, when 2,800 volunteers picked up 124 tons of trash. Since then, more than 529,000 volunteers have removed more than 9,600 tons of trash from Texas beaches. Each volunteer will be given data cards, gloves, pencils and trash bags. All volunteers are advised to wear closed-toe shoes, bring sunscreen and plenty of drinking water. The Texas General Land Office Adopt-A-Beach cleanups are held rain or shine. Do your part to keep the coastlines of Texas beautiful. Need more information? Visit Like us on Facebook at or follow us on Twitter @TXAdoptABeach. Keep it with KIXS 108 for more details.