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For those of you that don't know, one of my hobbies includes going to garage sales, pawnshops, and thrift stores. I mean, you never know what you are going to find.

Throughout the years I have found some amazing things, and by amazing, I mean extremely random.

My latest find could only be explained as out of the 'As Seen on Tv' aisle from the '90s.  I present to you 'Makin Bacon.'  In case you didn't know, I love bacon so I decided to make a little video testing this awesome product.  On a side note, I have been waiting for a reason to wear my awesome bacon shirt.  You will see the shirt at the 41-second mark(SEE VIDEO BELOW)

This product hit the market back in 1993 and was invented by an 8-year-old named Abagail Fleck  This product was so big back in the '90s that Abagail and her father made appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show, David Letterman, Maury Povich, and twice on Dateline NBC.   You might have seen this on Walmart shelves back in the 90s. Check out the story of Makin Bacon by clicking here.

This is also the introduction of my new YouTube channel JP in Victoria. Yes I know it looks bare right now, but it is still being built.  I will post random videos about random topics.  Be sure you subscribe, you never know what kind of video will pop up.

You can find the original Makin Bacon on Amazon for $13.99

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