We’re Finally Going to Get A Pool, Well Kinda
The heat index for South Texas is already blazing with triple digits and we still haven't celebrated the official first day of summer, which, by the way, isn't until June 20th.
Let that sink in.
Triple digits and it isn't even summer yet.
It's gonna be a looooonnnnnggggg summer ya'll.
Between the sweltering heat and threats of an overactive hurricane season, it's business as usual here in Texas. Which brings me to this article topic.
We did NOT build a pool last year like we've been talking about since forever, which is our little version of 'business as usual'. Sorry, husband. You know who you are.
But I'm here to tell you, this summer is different. After years of begging and a few threats to start digging my own, we are finally, FINALLY, getting a pool. Well, kinda.
I've bought so many plastic and inflatable pools over the years I probably could have paid for a real pool by now. I've shown my husband tons of above ground pools, trucks lined with tarp pools, even splash pads. But no.
Now before I tell you how I got a yes, let me lead with gratitude. Thank you, Robin.
I have a friend named Robin and for lack of a better description, Robin in the kind of "genius" that puts Martha Stewart to shame. Everything she does is genius and everything she does WORKS OUT PERFECTLY. Ya, I know. It's kind of irritating. But I have her to thank for THE POOL so let's move on. For years, as many years as I've been begging for a pool, I've been begging her to start a blog. She has declined every time BUT I am grateful to be a part of her circle of friends that receives the benefit of her genius on all things home interior, self-care, fashion, pet care, cleaning, kitchen appliances, cooking, and most recently pools.
Last week Robin and her husband Pat put a pool in their backyard.
A stock tank pool.
Seeing as Robin is always ahead of the game and organized as all get out, she researched how to convert a stock tank into a pool as well as which filtering system is best to use in it to keep the water clear AND a plan for how to decorate the pool surroundings so it becomes a " fabulous" stock tank pool right in the middle of their backyard behind the gorgeous historic house they are renovating downtown.
And that's how it happened, how it all came to be. I showed my husband the photo she sent. It only took one photo. I showed my husband ONE of the photos she sent me and a miracle occurred. He said, " Yes."
What do you mean, "Yes?"
" Yes, we can do that."
" Yes, we can do a stock tank pool"?!?!?!
OMG, the miracle photo! Thank you thank you thank you, Robin!
So sure, it might not be the pool we plan to build sometime in this century, but thanks to Robin, and her miracle photo, we are finally getting a POOL. Well, kinda. Close ENOUGH!
Now, to keep the cows in our pasture out of it!
Ps. Robin being Robin sent you this link in blue to find out all about Stock Tank pools.

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