Victoria Independent School District has announced they will continue their efforts to feed Victoria children throughout the summer. VISD is committed to feeding any child age 18 and younger.
Just amazing. Thank you to all of the VISD food volunteers, this is an incredible feat and we salute your efforts for our VISD children!
There are some changes we want to be sure our Victoria community is aware of, such as new mealtime and distribution changes. Meals will still continue to be offered " curbside pick up only" on Mondays and Thursdays. The meals offered on Monday will include breakfast and lunch for children Monday through Wednesday. Then on Thursday, you can pick up breakfast and lunch meals to last through the weekend.
This new take-home meal service begins on June 1st. It will be offered from 9:30 am through noon, ending at 12:30 at Aloe Elementary, Crain Elementary, Hopkins Elementary, and Roland Elementary. For those families in the Torres Elementary area, Torres Elementary pick up is extended from 9:30 am to 1 pm.
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