Top Ten Most Disgusting Things We Eat In Texas

Coming from a morning show where we talk about food incessantly off-air, there really isn't anything we, as Texas-born and bred radio DJs won't eat or at least try.
In fact, one of the running jokes on the Jp and Ingra Lee Morning Show on KIXS108 is about an infamous "Freaky Food Friday" segment when we tried... get this...dried squid.
One of the greatest things about Texas food is the diversity of cultural foods we can get either in our hometown or down the road. A short drive for the Crossroads and the world of food opens up in any of the major cities we can get to in two hours; Houston, San Antonio, Corpus, Austin...it's a melting pot of munchies whatever mood for food you are in.
But, there are a few staples in the Texan diet that most "out-of-staters" think we are crazy for eating. As a bonus, we've included how to prepare most of these dishes, just in case you weren't fortunate to live in the greatest state in the nation.
Here are our Top Ten Most Disgusting Things Texans Eat That We Think Are Pretty Damn Delicious!
Top Ten of the Most Disgusting Things Texans Eat
Thanks to Bob Hansler for this recipe because as Texans we know, everything should be wrapped in bacon!
Some like em' tender, but Texans love them deep-fried and crispy. Thanks to Let's Cook with Ease delicious recipe. So hungry now!!!!
Yep, we're going there. Shout out to Hannah Baron for her Southern Fried Mountain Oyster recipe.
It's the real deal right here, Barbacoa, the whole cow! Luke Martin of Chopstick Travel gets real on the "Real Mexican BBQ" episode.
Wolf's Media knocks it out of the park and hot on the grill with their recipe for tripas, beef intestine. Can you handle it?
Oh so sweetbreads, but not like a nice donut... not for the faint of heart, you gotta be a Strong Sista for this one.
Nopalitos. I mean just the title of this great video from Views on the Road " How To Cook Cactus- Not Slimy" makes you look and think and cook twice! Hold the spines, please!
Beef tongue baby! That's for dinner tonight! Chud's BBQ out of Central Texas makes it look good, but then you say the words, beef tongue again.
Deep-Fried Butter, because everything tastes better fried in Texas. According to Eater it's a Texas obsession.
Everyone outside of Texas freaks out about this. We just do not understand why out of staters feel the need to add beans to their chili! Chili Pepper Madness got this recipe for chili RIGHT!
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