
An Incredible Act Of Kindness
An Incredible Act Of Kindness
An Incredible Act Of Kindness
This is a true story about a man with a huge heart.  Dan used to get coffee for his dad while he was undergoing treatment for cancer.  After his father passed away Dan continued the tradition every Thursday by going to Starbucks and getting coffee for quite a few people who need cheered up a little bit...
Kindergarten Graduations and Mother’s Day
Kindergarten Graduations and Mother’s Day
Kindergarten Graduations and Mother’s Day
I have been absent the last few weeks, but it’s not because I haven’t wanted to write, it’s because I just haven’t had time! I can give you a million excuses, but here are just a few. I have been planning my sons Kindergarten Graduation. While I am so excited to see him ‘graduate’ and wear his little homemade graduation hat and stand with his classmates, I have to wonder, if planning a graduation

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