
Trace Adkins Speaks Out After House Fire
Trace Adkins Speaks Out After House Fire
Trace Adkins Speaks Out After House Fire
If you lost your home in a fire, you probably wouldn’t be in the mood to joke about it with a room full of reporters – but then, you’re probably not multi-platinum-selling country singer Trace Adkins, who kicked off a recent press conference with a simple “My house burned down.” Adkins, whose next album is scheduled for release in August, was traveling when the fire happened, but his wife and chil
Dog Walks on Front Paws While He Takes Care of Business [VIDEO]
Dog Walks on Front Paws While He Takes Care of Business [VIDEO]
Dog Walks on Front Paws While He Takes Care of Business [VIDEO]
Is your old dog in need of some new tricks? If so, you'll want to check out the amazingly adorable Harley, who has discovered an incredible way to, you know, do his business. In the video after the jump, Harley is filmed going "tee-tee" outside in the grass -- a huge accomplishment for any dog owner. The trick is, he proceeds to walk on his front paws as he does it.
The Guiltiest Dogs on The Web [VIDEOS]
The Guiltiest Dogs on The Web [VIDEOS]
The Guiltiest Dogs on The Web [VIDEOS]
Is there anything sadder than a guilty dog? Especially one that's just gotten his or her nose figuratively "rubbed in it?" Here are some adorably pathetic dogs who don't even need to be disciplined because they've already punished themselves enough.
Dusty, The Real Life Cat Burglar [VIDEO]
Dusty, The Real Life Cat Burglar [VIDEO]
Dusty, The Real Life Cat Burglar [VIDEO]
When one hears the words "cat burglar", one might imagine a stealthy, nimble thief making his way into high rises to steal away the valuables of the well to do owner and vanishing off into the night. In this case, the words are literal. This is a cat. That burgles.