A recent survey of 500 businesses in the College Bryan/College Sation area showed that 48% of the money made in their economy comes from Texas A&M and its students.
Take Aggie home games out of the equation and the results could be devastating.
2011 was the last time that the Texas Longhorns and the A&M Aggies faced each other on the football field, and it looks like the old rivalry may resume in the near future.
At A&M, the Student Senate unanimously voted to add a question to a student poll asking if they support reinstating the annual non-conference game to the football schedule. That p...
Most basketball loving people pretty much know if you are down by 11 with a minute to go you are probably going to lose. I guess the Aggie basketball team must of missed the memo. Last night the Aggies made a HISTORIC comeback erasing a 12 point deficit in 44 seconds and forcing double overtime where they secured a win and their first chance to dance in the sweet 16 since 2007...
Victoria County Aggie Moms invite you and your family to the 2014 Howdy Party at 6:30 p.m. at Holy Family Catholic Church, building A.
6:30 p.m. - registration, followed by dinner and meeting. RSVP is requested.
Please bring a vegetable or dessert dish to share. Aggie Moms will provide fried chicken and drinks.
The De-Witt-Lavaca County A&M Mothers' Club is hosting the Texas A&M Singing Cadets on Sunday, March 3, 2014 at the Yoakum High School Auditorium. Doors open at 1 p.m. Known as the "Voice of Aggieland," the Singing Cadets is an all-male chorus that performs approximately sixty concerts each year throughout Texas, the United States and even overseas. They perform a variety of musi
No one has ever had 12THMAN on an official Texas license plate. Now for the first time, Texas A&M University and MyPlates.com will auction the right to display the one and only 12THMAN license plate. Are YOU the 'ultimate' Aggies fan?
The Victoria Advocate reports that Victoria County Aggie Moms invite parents and families of incoming TAMU freshmen students. Registration begins at 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be served. Please bring salad or dessert to share.
This is the annual welcome and membership drive...