Here is the latest information from the National Weather Service...

The National Weather Service has issued a flood warning for the Guadalupe River to crest near 25.8 feet late on Saturday before it begins to slowly recede.
At that level the river should not threaten any homes. As a precautionary measure however, residents in low-lying areas near the river should monitor the river level closely in case the river rises higher than forecasted due to increased flows or heavy local rains.
At 9:15 a.m. today, the Guadalupe River level measured 18.85 feet and is dropping slightly but is expected to rise again beginning Thursday afternoon.

1. Residents of low lying areas (including East Basin, Greens Addition and area west of Moody Street from Water Street north to Constitution Street) should monitor local news sources and weather radio channels for current river level information.
2. Ranchers and farmers near the river should move livestock and large equipment to higher ground.
3. The public should stay away from the Guadalupe River until further notice.
1. The Boat Ramp in Riverside Park is closed.
2. Other low-lying areas in Riverside Park including Fox’s Bend, will close as the river level rises.
3. For roads closed due to flooding:

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