Officials Worried Beds Could Run Out in Less Than 2 Weeks
According the news4sanantonio.com, officials and experts in Austin, San Antonio, Houston and Fort Worth are concerned that increased coronavirus hospitalizations could exhaust hospital beds in less than two weeks.

Texas hit another record high for COVID-19 cases on Sunday with a total 8,181 hospitalizations for coronavirus.
As of 5 pm on Sunday(7/5/20), there was 27 new, confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Victoria County, and 34 newly recovered individuals. Bringing the total number of COVID Cases in Victoria to 1,242 confirmed cases of COVID-19.
As of Sunday active cases sit at 725 with 508 recovered and a total of 9 deaths.
Be safe Crossroads! Wear your mask and practice social distancing. Together, we can bring these numbers down.