Just In: Parker McCollum to Play Schroeder Hall on April 11th
After a huge sell out show with Midland, Schroeder Hall has just announced another huge show. Schroeder Hall is proud to announce Parker McCollum in concert on Saturday, April 11th. This will be another SELL OUT! Tickets go on sale this Friday, you can get your tickets at schroederhall.com or you can get your pre-sale tickets at Victoria Harley Davidson, BedButlers, Outlaw Off-Road of Victoria, Goliad Aztec Ford or in Beeville at the Blue Ribbon Country Store. After recently signing with Universal Music Group - Nashville, Parker is surging onto the Nashville Music scene, so be sure you catch this show, it might be a while before he is back. Parker is one of my favorite Texas Country Singers right now, check out his latest single 'Pretty Heart.'
...and just for fun, here is my favorite Parker song.
Be sure you are listening to KIXS 108 win tickets to see Parker McCollum live in concert, thanks to The Second Oldest Dancehall in Texas, Schroeder Hall.
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