Is It Time to Shelve Classic Books By Authors Like Dr. Seuss

As a certified preschool teacher for over a decade, one of my greatest joys was reading books to the classroom kids aloud. My teenage children will cringe when they see this, but I still read 'Winnie the Pooh' aloud to them to this day.
There are books that I can read aloud to you right now without even having the book in my hand. 'Where the Wild Things Are' and 'The Cat and the Hat' are two that come to mind instantly. I've read them aloud so much I have them down to memory.
Needless to say, as an avid reader of children's literature, I was a little taken aback to hear in passing that some of Dr. Seuss's books were being shelved by Seuss Enterprise.
I immediately look to the internet to investigate and found that in fact some of Dr. Seuss's books being shelved are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to literature many of us grew up with, which is now deemed insensitive.
Considered to this day to be the best-selling author of children's books of all time, Dr. Seuss is the second-highest-paid deceased celebrity, right behind Micheal Jackson.
Still, Dr. Seuss's Enterprise, who is in charge of his estate, offered that six of Dr. Seuss's books will be shelved due to racist illustrations. You can read the statement offered by Dr. Seuss Enterprises in its entirety here as well as the specific books that will be shelved. I was relieved to read that 'The Cat and the Hat' is not one of those six books.
However, there might be more book shelving to come. According to an article from Red Tricycle, classic books like 'Peter Pan' and 'Little House on the Prairie' are also considered racially insensitive. 'Babar's' books are also included in multiple journals as being insensitive if not downright racist, as well as 'Curious George'.
Reading books to your children at a very young age has been proven to have a major impact on your child's future educational success, perhaps the same can be said for their outlook on racial indifferences.
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