Everyone In Texas Is Winning the Texas Lottery
In the last few months, headlines have appeared all through Texas with winners of various Texas lotteries.
Today is no exception, as the lottery announces a Laredo resident has won 3 million dollars, making it seem like everyone is winning the Texas Lotteries!
DJ JP is a fan of writing all about the Texas lottery. I however ever rarely play. Well, except this one time last month when a few of us got together and bought $500.00 worth of scratch-offs. The end of that story is not a happy one.
But that doesn't mean that it seems like everyone ELSE is winning!
Someone in Ft. Worth $3 million dollars on the lottery. A Laredo resident won $3 million dollars playing the scratch ticket game 500X Loteria Spectacular AND a $25,000 winner in Dallas and check this out... this was just yesterday's winners! Just take a look at the recent winnings from the Texas lottery website which you can access here.
It turns out I have even met a big lottery winner in Victoria once. You might be friends with them too! You just never know. I guess that's what makes the Texas lottery so appealing.
If you won the Texas lottery would you want to remain "anonymous?"
If you get a chance, check out the MYTH BUSTERS page on the Texas lottery website too. Guess what the FIRST MYTH BUSTER is on the page?
All Texas Lottery net proceeds go to the Foundation School Fund to help support public education in Texas and to the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans' Assistance (FVA). Since 1997, the Texas Lottery has contributed $25.9 billion to the Foundation School Fund and since 2009, the Texas Lottery has contributed more than $145 million to veterans’ programs.
With that in mind, check out our recent articles on the lottery, and as the Texas lottery offers, "Play responsibly." GOOD LUCK Y'ALL!
We are here to give you a hands-up to win but we want 1/4th of your win! Good? Reading on means you agree to it! LOL