Nothing makes us smile more than seeing the community come out to support our local students and athletes, so a very special thank you to Victory Auto Group for their latest spotlight campaign to highlight Crossroads teenagers.

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Brooke Blaschke is a sophomore at Victoria West High School and the person who nominated her had this to say; " I am nominating Brooke Blaschke for her continued participation in extra curricular activities and excelling academically. As a freshman, she was a VWHS Cheerleader and was also a participant for the VWHS powerlifters and VWHS track team. She was also a member of the leadership team that meets with Dr. Patterson to discuss ways to improve her school. She took Honors and AP courses and finished the year in the top 6% of our class with an overall weighted GPA of 104. As a sophomore, she is a VWHS Varsity Cheerleader. She continues to excel in the classroom with a 4.0 unweighted GPA. She is taking Honors and AP courses again this year and constantly looks at what she needs to do to reach her continuing education goals of attending Texas A&M University. She has 0 unexcused absences for the school year and strives to be at school daily. She participates in community service throughout the year. Some of the community service she has completed lately include helping with Pack The Bus, assisting in a variety of ways with the Quail Creek Volunteer Fire Department annual BBQ Cookoff Fundraiser and helps the Victoria Generals with cleaning up Riverside Stadium before games and helped secure the stadium before Hurricane Beryl made landfall. She had the unfortunate experience of tearing her left ACL playing basketball for Cade as an 8th grader and 10 months after recovering from that injury she tore her right ACL while tumbling as a 9th grader at West. She did not let this stop her from excelling academically, helping her community, trying out and making the VWHS Varsity Cheer Squad or showing up for her teammates while recovering."

How can you not smile and cheer for this amazing young woman? No wonder she was nominated! She received a gift card and an opportunity to win a $1250.00 scholarship courtesy of Victory Auto Group.

"Brooke's perseverance and determination is truly remarkable. She is an excellent student and an amazing athlete. These are just a few of the highlights and reasons why I believe Brooke is deserving of this award."


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