Texas, not surprisingly with a new COVID infection high of 188K, was chosen to be a part of a pilot program for the first COVID-19 vaccine distribution, expected to be in Corpus Christi in the next few weeks.

A recent study suggests 1 in 6 Texans have either been infected or are currently infected with COVID-19.

Texas was chosen as a part of a pilot program for vaccine distribution, and Corpus Christi City Manager Peter Zanoni offered in the latest article by KRIS 6 NEWS that the city applied and was accepted to be one of the first distribution cities.

As explained in the majority of publications written regarding the latest COVID-19 vaccine, healthcare and front line workers will be the first to be inoculated, including those professionals in Corpus. Zanoni offered that by February of 2021, the vaccine will be available for the general public.

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“A lot of work is being done behind the scenes right now and over the next couple weeks that distribution plan should be vetted out and ready to go,” Zanoni added.

Two vaccines are close to approval; one from Pfizer, the other from Moderna, with at least two more on the way as well. The vaccine is administered in two doses and officials will make sure people get the same vaccine for both doses, KRIS reports.

The vaccines are expected to be held in dry ice without fear of expiring with enough vaccine being produced for the trial state residents who are participating.

“There’s hope at that end of the tunnel, so that’s really exciting to us,” said Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health Director Annette Rodriguez, KRIS 6 reported.

You can view the full article here.

This means for the rest of Texas and communities like Victoria, the vaccine may be available before school returns for Fall in 2021 if not sooner.

The bigger question, one many of us are contemplating, is if we are going to try the vaccine when it first becomes available.

KEEP READING: Learning From Mistakes During the Spanish Flu



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