Victoria Versus the Mosquitos
Right now, I can't even walk from my front door to my car without being swarmed by mosquitos and I know I am not the only one. It seems like these pests are also getting out after the pandemic as well. While the City of Victoria will be stepping up its efforts to help combat the problem. Here are a few 'life hacks that could help you combat those mosquitos. Check out the list below, which included a couple of questionable things like avoiding beer and sprinkling coffee grounds in your yard. Can you confirm either of these? SEE GALLERY BELOW!
The City of Victoria Parks & Recreation is once again working to exterminate as many mosquito larvae as possible before they grow into biting adult insects. Earlier this week, Victoria Parks & Recreation began using larvicide briquettes to treat standing water on City-owned property. More than 100 briquettes were placed in Riverside Park alone.

Parks & Recreation will continue to place larvicide during the coming days. The treatment schedule will be dependent upon the weather because additional rainfall could cause standing water in ditches to begin flowing again and wash away the larvicide.
City staff is expected to begin spraying for adult mosquitoes today or tomorrow. This schedule is subject to change depending on the weather since the mosquito spray cannot be used in rain. The City Staff will spray the entire City twice during the course of several days, weather permitting.
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