Victoria Outreach Dockets Scheduled to Help Resolve Warrants
Residents who are unable to attend traditional Municipal Court dockets will have a chance to resolve their warrants at one of the court’s scheduled outreach dockets.
The court will host the outreach dockets at the following locations:
· Jan. 20, 9-11 a.m.: Salvation Army shelter, 1302 N. Louis St.
· Feb. 8, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.: Christ’s Kitchen, 611 E. Warren Ave.
“Getting these warrants resolved is truly life-changing for some of our residents,” said Municipal Court Administrator Tiffany Totah. “Outstanding tickets can affect important areas of a person’s life, such as the ability to get a driver’s license. It’s so rewarding for us to be able to meet people where they are and see their relief when they’re finally able to resolve these issues.”

Court personnel will bring a laptop to look up information about cases as well as court forms that residents may need to complete. If a resident’s case needs to be reviewed by a prosecutor, staff will arrange to send the resident additional documents.
If a resident is unable to pay fines in full, other options may be available, including payment plans, fine reduction and community service.
“Hosting an outreach docket at Christ’s Kitchen has been a tremendous advantage for our community members,” said Christ’s Kitchen director Trish Hastings. “It has allowed easy resolution for our friends, and I must say that those helping with process have been so welcoming and gracious to our community—a definite win-win!”
For more information about Municipal Court services and to look up cases, visit www.victoriatx/gov/municipalcourt or call 361-485-3050.
Local organizations that wish to partner with the court for an outreach docket or other community event should fill out the form at www.victoriatx.gov/courtoutreach.
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