This Weeks Customer Service Hero is Travis
This weeks Post Acute Medical customer service hero is Travis Strenadel . He has been nominated for excellence in customer service at Northside Pet and Ranch.
Christy wrote: " Take a seat this may be long. Travis has been working for the company for about 7 years. He greets each customer by their Name. He is VERY knowledgeable in Chemicals, Lawn & garden, Cattle, Feed List can go on. He has been dealing with customers & Feed store for a very long time 30 + years. He is a Hero in my eyes. He has taught me so much about Chemicals, lawn & garden, etc. He is not just an employee. He is like a father figure to me. I would not know the stuff I know if it was not for Travis. He is MY Hero. Travis Goes out of his way for any of his customers. If Travis is not at work everyone asks where's Travis. He is well known around Victoria, Hallettsville, Shiner. SO when you ask why are you Nominating This person. Its cause I don't know anyone better to Receive This Everyday HERO. Cause He is my Everyday Hero."
KIXS 108 and Post Acute Medical surprised Travis with a gift basket and certificate recognizing her excellence in customer service.
Nominate someone that you know that goes above and beyond at their everyday job. We want to recognize hard work, and dedication to you, Victoria. They could be next week's winner! Fill out the form below:
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