The Texas Zoo is Back
The Texas Zoo finally has the OK to open it's gates. The Texas Zoo opens to the public on Friday, May 29th. The hours will be 9:00 A.M- 4:45 A.M and will follow social distancing guidelines, which will limit the number of guest to 25% capacity.

In case you forgot, here are the admission prices:
$5.50 Seniors (age 55+)
$8.50 Adults (age 13+)
$7.50 Children (age 3-12)
$4.50 Active/Retired Military
Free Toddlers (age 2 and under)
Free Annual Pass Holders
If you are not comfortable heading out with people just yet, you can still support The Texas Zoo by making a donation to The Texas Zoo Emergency Fund. This temporary closure, during our busiest time has really had a big impact, financially. Being open with limited capacity will help get the ball rolling, but additional help is still needed. You can make your donation via
PayPal: paypal.me/thetexaszoo
Go Fund Me: gf.me/u/xwkk32
Don't forget about Wild About Wine! The new date is on Friday, June 12th at the Texas Zoo, you can get more information by clicking here.
KEEP READING: See how animals around the world are responding to COVID-19
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