
Housework, The Never Ending Battle
Housework, The Never Ending Battle
Housework, The Never Ending Battle
My least favorite aspect of being a mom and wife is HOUSEWORK. Yuck! I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the quote, ‘cleaning house while you still have children is like shoveling the drive while it’s still snowing’ but that is exactly how it is! If I clean while the kids are at school, it’s much easier to get it done, but as soon as the walk in the door, it looks like an explosion of backpacks, sho
Brad Paisley at the Houston Livestock Show
Brad Paisley at the Houston Livestock Show
Brad Paisley at the Houston Livestock Show
Last week, many people headed to Houston to see the rodeo and see their favorite artist play live. One of our listeners, Vanessa Cantu, went to see Brad Paisley on Saturday with her husband, Oliver. Her favorite song is "Then" because it is their wedding song. Vanessa sees Brad as an artist who gets involved with the audeince and is a great live performer. She said, “He’s such a great p